My lap top died this week, it was very slow and everyone hated it, but I was sad. Friday Cj and I went to Costco and got a new lap top! It's really nice, and has a build in Web Camera woot woot.
Nothing has really been going on this week. Just working and hanging out. My sister Haley came into work yesterday and she has strep throat :( and then I swabbed my mom's throat, and she has strep throat. I had to give them both shots, no fun. Luckily my strep test came back negative!
Olive was sitting on the couch like this yesterday, Cj and I were cracking up.
She's my little hoodrat.
I have been missing my niece lately, isn't she so cute?
I got her that adorable bib, I couldn't help it. Whenever we go to the store I go through the baby stuff and look for things for Molly.
Hope everyone has had a great weekend! <3