We accept the love we think we deserve.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Yep, Cj and I are cheaters. We decorated for Christmas before Thanksgiving, oops. We were just way too excited to wait to decorate for Christmas. I had a long 5 days off so I was getting antsy too. I finally found my camera cord, and took some real pictures on my camera, instead of my phone. I wanted to share my decorations with you.

First off, the tree.

Our stockings above our fireplace. 

My lil' nativity.  

This is just a little area right across the bathroom that holds all the towels. 

Paul Frank stocking of course hanging on the guest room door. 

This is on top of the TV. We have Cj's grandma's TV that is huge, and ancient. But, at least I can put lots of decorations on top, right?? 

Can't forget Olive. 

She's so wise, and has been driving me nuts while I haven't been working. Stinker.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sometimes my weekends are boring. 
Cj playing Xbox.

I think Olive was bored too. She's in heat, so she gets to wear a diaper and a onesie. It's soooo fun ;) 

Sunday's can be crazy at Cj's parents house with 4 Yorkie's hanging out. 

Some of the ladies.

Lot's of movement going on in this photo. Corbin had his birthday dinner tonight and had some friends over. Haley came down from Salt Lake with her new boyfriend. I haven't seen her in like 2 months. It was really good to finally see her, and meet her boyfriend. She seems really happy, and he seems sweet. I guess that's all that matters?

The big 18! He better start acting like it! Haha

This weekend Cj and I are planning on putting up the Christmas tree. I'm excited to get all of the Christmas stuff out. I was at the grocery store today and they were playing Christmas music. It's so weird! This year has gone by so fast. My dad works on Thanksgiving, and he usually makes like all of our Thanksgiving feast. So we are still trying to decide if we're going to have Thanksgiving early, or maybe just go to Mimi's cafe for Thanksgiving. I guess we'll see what happens.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Halloween was boring this year. I worked, didn't dress up, and drove Sunny and her friends around trick-or-treating. I was excited to dress Olive up. I wanted her to be a red lobster. But when I went to Big Lots and couldn't find it anywhere. But while I was there I found this penguin costume! Of course they had big huge ones, but I just thought Olive could wear it and it wouldn't be that big of a deal. I put it on her and it drowned her. I was so sad. So was she!

So she got to be a gingerbread.

And Violet got to be a Chiva's fan. She's such a stinker she kept taking it off!

Dr. Matt was a hippie. He had an awesome costume, I kept forgetting he was a doctor. I couldn't take him seriously.

The other nurse who works with me, Marie got us this blood candy, so I wore it around my neck and that was pretty much my costume. I feel kind of bad now thinking about dressing up.I work in pediatrics and kids would've loved if I dressed up. Maybe next year?

While my dad's been gone Cj has been taking care of the chickens, and the rooster. I think he's grown attached to them. The rooster got out and ran away on Tuesday. Everyone was worried he was gone for good, but my dad was like "Oh he'll be back." And of course he came back crowing his head off. 

Some people and friends that I miss lately!

My niece Molly moo!

Sammy! I miss him soooo much!!

My good friend Nasiema!

Baby Andrew, who is going to be a big brother next month!!

My sister Haley.

My cousin Jena.

And my papa. I have been missing him A LOT lately. He was such a good guy. Miss you Papa.