Anyways. A couple weeks ago I had lunch at my mom's house with our friend Krystal, who by the way has the cutest little baby boy in the world. He's so cute!
He's so sweet. I love babies, most of the time ;)
Here's Cj and I cheesing it up at the Wal Mart. Well at least i'm cheesing it up!
My sweet little Olive.
Her looks can be deceiving. One day after a long day at work I came home to her helping herself to the garbage. We put it in the sink, thinking she wouldn't be able to get to it... She finds a way.
Cj has been playing indoor soccer every Saturday with some friends from work. He came off the field with this scratch on his arm. They're team had their last game last Saturday. They only lost one game the whole season! Great team!
Marshall didn't like me taking pictures of him.
Last Tuesday was Teen Mom 2 season finale and I stayed up late. Cj wasn't able to sleep so he came out to hang out with me and read his book, while I watched tv.
Last Friday I watched the kids. Cora's face is a little beat up. She was at the park swinging on her belly and she fell face first into the wood chucks! Poor thing! She didn't have a very good nap that day! :(
I really want to make these funfetti cake batter buddies! They look so yummy! Have I mentioned i'm addicted to pinterest? You can find SO much on there!
I got my hair done on Friday! It doesn't look really that different but I feel like I went a little too drastic this time. She put a lot of dark pieces in my hair, and I went really light on top. It took me a couple days to get used to. No one at work has said anything about it, so it must not look that different.
My cousin's dog little girl passed away a couple weeks ago. She was having a lot of seizures and wasn't able to make it. I skyped with Jena last night and she sent me this little colleague of pictures she made to give to her mom. It is so hard to loose a family pet! We'll miss you little girl!