This was after Haley's ceremony. Cj and I came home, and hung out. It sucked b/c it was day light savings! Ugh, the days go by so fast now. I guess it's good when I'm at work. But it still light outside by 9 o'clock. I don't like it.
Last Sunday we went to my parents. Every Sunday we try to make it; to both of our parents house. Olive and I taking some pics in the car :)
I know, I'm sorry, I post a lot of pictures of Olive. She's my baby girl. I don't even think that she thinks she's a dog. She thinks she's a human. I treat her like a baby, which isn't a good thing. Right now she's my baby. But when we have kids, we might be in trouble.
On Wednesday I went over to my friend Krystal's house to go hang out with her and baby Krew. He is so sweet! Oh my goodness! Some babies make me just want to have babies. He is one of those babies. We went on a walk to Walkers to get some drinks. It was so nice outside! The weather was perfect, and it was nice to get out and just have some girl talk.
Love you Krewzer!
Wednesday night I had Sam and Cora over at the house for a couple hours. Sam was on my kindle with headphones. Then Cora was on my phone listening to music with Cj's headphones. She looked so cute with those headphones on, making her cheeks look chubby I just had to take a picture of her!
Thursday night we went to a Utah Jazz game with some friends. I got a photo of Cj being happy? Yawning? I'm not so sure but I thought this photo was hilarious!
Some mornings Olive can be really annoying, and all she wants to do is play, and I just want to sleep in!
Olive looking for Cj in my back seat when we picked him up from work.
Yesterday was St. Patty's day! I had to work, I wore green b/c the kids are really into St. Patty's day, I didn't want to get pinched. I look really tired in this picture. I wore that headband for approximately 1 minute. I feel like ever since I've been a McKinney I really should be into St. Patty's day. They are full Irish!
This was today, we went over to my mom's. Haley and Tim stayed down at my parents for the weekend. This is Cj helping my mom make some dinner.
Here's Violet, the preggo cat. We are pretty sure she's due any day. She's really fat, lazy and is nesting..
Preggo Violet and Olive chilling on the couch. My camera had the flash on, so they have creepy yellow, green eyes haha.
We did Haley's birthday dinner tonight b/c her birthday is on Tuesday. She wanted Lasagna and chicken wings.
The happy newlyweds?? I don't know what else to say.
May being May with her silly faces. Her and my dad have been doing karate twice a week! I'm proud of her!
And, last BUT not least, Olive begging for food tonight. She's such a brat. Next Sunday is Cj's birthday! He's going to be the big 2-----4! So old! I keep telling him he's going to be so old and it hurts his feelings. Haha. 24 just seems old. I don't want to keep growing up. I'm trying to convince him to get a hotel room for the night somewhere, hopefully we'll be able to do that and have a little get away! :)