Last night was a really hard night. Sammy, our family dog got hit by a truck and died instantly. I got a phone call around 9:40pm last night from my little sister crying telling me Sammy got hit. Cj and I immediately got up and went over to my parents. Luckily my parents neighbor brother fairbourn was home and was able to help my mom get him out of the street (She just had surgery on her arm, and it's hard for her to use). Sammy was wrapped up in a towel laying on the kitchen floor when we got there. He looked peaceful and it happened quick. I just didn't know it would be that hard to have a family pet/dog pass away. Cj and I got home and I just kept thinking about him and I would start to cry. I was so happy to have Cj to help comfort me when I was upset.
He will be very very missed. The house isn't the same with out him. I loved him so much, he was such a good dog. I hope your happy in doggie heaven Sammy!
Miss you mister mister!
Awe:( So sad! RIP little weiner dog, maybe Sammy is playing with my dog in doggy heaven:)