We accept the love we think we deserve.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Ohh LaLa.

Lately I haven't been doing much. Just working a lot. Usually on my day's off I wake up and go to my mom's and lay out. I don't lay out at home b/c there is no where for me to lay out in my swim suit. 

On Wednesday Olive and I went to my mom's and the chicken's we out. All 7 of them. They would not leave me alone! They all just hung out next to me and one pecked my toe.

Later Wednesday I went and watched the kids +2. Olive was being very antsy the whole time I don't know why. I was sitting on the floor in the kids room, and Olive decided to chill in the dresser. She's strange.

My incisions are healing great. They're not as big as I thought they would be, thankfully! I haven't noticed me feeling a ton better, but some of my symptoms have decreased. I know in the long run getting the surgery is worth it. The only thing that sucks is I still have a bruise from where my I.V was placed. It's in a spot everyone can see. I have at least 5 people ask me at work what happened to my arm. One asked me if I was abused? Then another mom was like "You better tell your husband to stop beating you." Really people? Obviously they don't know Cj.

2 weeks ago.


I found out about these really cool nail polish strips. They have like 20 different designs to choose from and you simply just peel, place on your nail, and trim away the extra nail polish. It says it lasts up to 10 days, it better!

Olive sleeps and lays around a lot now that it's so hot! She's a lazy girl. It's so darn hot in our house! :(

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Hmm Lilac's.

Last night I thought I would be well enough to see Super 8. It was a really good movie, just long. I'm regretting it today. I'm able to get up and do things on my own, still just really really sore. I feel best when I'm just laying on my back. When I'm sitting up for too long I start cramping inside. I haven't really noticed a difference pain wise with me getting my gallbladder out. But I hope in the long run it'll be worth it.

Cj went to a show in SLC tonight and I knew that would totally be pushing it so I decided to just stay home. I went over to my mom's and got Sunny. We ran to the Orem mall and I got some new Bed Bath and Body Works candles. They smell SOOOO good. I got a lilac one smells just like summer. Also it was 50% double score!

Sunny picked out this ring, she loves owls.

Then I got myself a ring for being such a good patient :)

We got home from the mall and Olive and Sammy come running outside. Sammy jumps right in my car ready to go somewhere! He's so funny.

Olive is so photogenic, she's such a cute little fur ball.

Yes, she's still in heat. It seriously feels like it's been forever. She's been such a little hoe lately. Miyagi keeps scratching at our door for her to come out. I let her out today with him and she just sticks her butt up in the air for him to do what he wants with her! She's such a brat. I let him just sniff her and she runs around him. Then they dart down the street! I was yelling for Olive, and did she listen? Of course not. So I had to get Cj to chase after her. She's really naughty when she's around Miyagi like not listening to me. 

Monday I go back to work, after being off for 10 days. I'm happy to go back to work, but I'm hope my body will be ready for me to go back to work. I'm so happy the weather has been nice. I just need to recover so I can go to seven peaks with my seven peaks pass! I'm so excited for summer! <3

Friday, June 10, 2011

Update: Gallstone

Tuesday morning I had surgery, I got my gallbladder taken out. I had a gallstone measuring 17mm and it had been really painful for me the last 7 months. While I had work off I thought it would be a good idea just to get it out. Cj took Tuesday off so he could be with me. My mom met us at the surgical center. This is me before..

I was super nervous but I knew everything would be ok.

This is me after...

I look pretty pathetic in this picture. I was still waking up and on lots of pain meds. The surgery went really well. Cj said they were really quick it only took them 45 minutes. My gallbladder was diseased, they said it has been for about 2 years, so I guess it's a good thing I got it taken out.

Here is a picture of the gallstone they took out.. Sorry it's kinda gross.

The last couple days I have just been laying down, sleeping and taking it easy. I've been really bummed lately b/c the weather has been SO nice out! And I cant enjoy it b/c it's hard for me to sit up on my own.

Cj has been taking such good care of me! I was completely surprised on how much he wanted to be there for me and help me. He has been such a great hubby. My mom has been really great too. I'm lucky to have my family around me to help me feel better. I'm so thankful for my family and Cj who have been taking care of me the last couple days. I hope everyone has a great weekend.

P.s. Thanks ladies from work!